
Transaction Flow

  1. HOME
  2. Transaction Flow
  • Step 01Contact Us

    Please feel free to contact us using the contact form on our website, e-mail, fax, or phone.

  • Step 02Interviews

    We conduct interviews on usage, materials, dimensional tolerance, geometric tolerance, quantity, and budget, etc.

  • Step 03Design support and technical proposals

    We finalize specifications and draft drawings.
    Depending on the customer’s requirements, we propose the most suitable manufacturing method, including selecting materials and machining methods.

  • Step 04Estimates

    We decide part unit costs, delivery dates, and transaction conditions.

  • Step 05Contracts

    We conclude contracts once the customer understands and agrees to the content of the estimate.

  • Step 06Material and part procurement

    We leverage our internal processes and close relationships with partner manufacturers to procure all necessary materials and parts.
    This ensures that the entire procedure can be processed smoothly from production preparation, machining, and inspection to completion.

  • Step 07Part machining

    Once we have the materials and parts, we move on to machining work.

  • Step 08Inspection and shipping

    When all work is complete, we carry out part inspection, and then ship the parts if no abnormalities are found.